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The National Museum of San Carlos visits your community is a project that brings the artistic heritage of the National Museum of San Carlos to children of preschool and primary school, in order to become a tool for social transformation. Visiting schools (basic and multigrade), homes, DIF (Community Development Center), boarding schools, CENDI (children's centers), hospitals, community kitchens, CRIT (Children's rehabilitation center, houses of culture, shelters and CAMP Multiple Attention).

Con la intención de provocar el interés del público por al arte y la colección, a través de las diferentes actividades. Buscando desarrollar la creatividad de los niños a través del arte y de actividades de expresión artística además de generar una experiencia educativa significativa, así como contribuir al desarrollo integral de los niños.

With the intention of provoking the interest of the public for the art and the collection, through the different activities. Seeking to develop children's creativity through art and artistic expression activities as well as generating a significant educational experience, as well as contributing to the integral development of children.

The project consists of a truck adapted to function as an educational and creative workshop, where through replicas of works of art knowledge is built through mediation supported by puppets and didactic materials, closing with an artistic expression workshop.



In an effort to extend the educational and cultural programs, the National Museum of San Carlos works with special emphasis on interpretive visits to attract diverse public: weak visuals, people of the third age, children with Down syndrome, pregnant women of high risk, guided visits for babies and mothers with the use of the stroller (15 strollers, donation of Evenflo), among other groups with different capacities.

It should be noted that Education Services personnel go to government hospitals to carry out educational activities with children in the gravid stage, as part of the extramural program entitled La Maleta de San Carlos.